21,341 research outputs found

    IncidĂȘncia de sementes apomiticas em acessos de Manihot esculenta.

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    A mandioca pertence ao gĂȘnero Manihot e possui trĂȘs sub-espĂ©cies, Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. esculenta, Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. flabellifolia e Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. peruviana (ALLEM, 2001). Apenas a primeira Ă© cultivada comercialmente para a produção de raĂ­zes comestĂ­veis ou para indĂșstria (FUKUDA, 2002). A apomixia caracteriza-se pela presença de um embriĂŁo que nĂŁo foi formado pela uniĂŁo do nĂșcleo espermĂĄtico do pĂłlen com a oosfera (BASHAW, 1980). A apomixia no gĂȘnero Manihot foi descrita pela primeira vez por Nassar, enquanto trabalhava com hibridizaçÔes interespecĂ­ficas (NASSAR, 1980).Propagação. Resumo n. 151

    Viabilidade de pólen de sub-espécies de Manihot esculenta.

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    A mandioca pertence Ă  classe das DicotiledĂŽneas, ordem Euphorbiales, famĂ­lia Euphorbiaceae e ao gĂȘnero Manihot. TrĂȘs subespĂ©cies da mandioca sĂŁo conhecidas, Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. esculenta, Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. flabellifolia (Pohl) e Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. peruviana (Mueller Argoviensis) (ALLEM, 2001), sendo que a primeira Ă© a Ășnica cultivada comercialmente para a produção de raĂ­zes comestĂ­veis ou para indĂșstria (FUKUDA, 2002). Ao longo do tempo, a mandioca vem sendo propagada vegetativamente mantendo, entretanto, sua capacidade de reprodução sexuada ativa, o que mantĂ©m e amplifica a variabilidade genĂ©tica (SILVA, 2001). As subespĂ©cies silvestres de Manihot esculenta sĂŁo fonte de diversidade genĂ©tica e podem ser utilizadas em programas de melhoramento com a finalidade de incorporar alelos de interesse em variedades de mandioca cultivada. Apesar disso, pouco se conhece a respeito das estruturas reprodutivas dessas subespĂ©cies, demandando estudos sobre a capacidade germinativa do pĂłlen, assim como os mĂ©todos para aferir esta viabilidade.Propagação. Resumo n. 249

    Hibridação interespecífica entre espécies silvestres de Manihot (Euphorbiaceae - Magnoliophyta) e cultivares de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz).

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    A hibridação interespecĂ­fica Ă© um dos mĂ©todos utilizados na cultura da mandioca para ampliar variabilidade ou transferir caracterĂ­sticas de interesse econĂŽmico. HibridaçÔes controladas e naturais ocorrem dentro do gĂȘnero Manihot, indicando que as barreiras que isolam as espĂ©cies sĂŁo fracas devido Ă  recente evolução do grupo. Muitas espĂ©cies silvestres cruzam facilmente com M. esculenta e sĂŁo fontes de alelos Ășteis para a espĂ©cie cultivada. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a cruzabilidade de hĂ­bridos interespecĂ­ficos entre espĂ©cies silvestres de Manihot e cultivares comerciais de M. esculenta. Foram realizadas polinizaçÔes manuais aleatĂłrias entre 16 acessos de espĂ©cies silvestres e 31 cultivares de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), no perĂ­odo de 2007 a 2012. Os dados de avaliaçÔes dos nĂșmeros de flores polinizadas e fertilizadas, frutos desenvolvidos, sementes produzidas e deiscĂȘncia dos frutos foram avaliados. Foi possĂ­vel desenvolver hĂ­bridos interespecĂ­ficos entre cultivares de mandioca e espĂ©cies silvestres de Manihot. Observou-se que as espĂ©cies silvestres de Manihot sĂŁo mais eficientes quando se comportam como doadores de grĂŁos de pĂłlen. As espĂ©cies Manihot esculenta subsp. peruviana e Manihot esculenta subsp. flabelifolia foram as que apresentaram os maiores nĂșmeros de flores polinizadas, produzindo uma relação aproximada de 8 sementes hĂ­bridas obtidas para cada 100 cruzamentos realizados.bitstream/item/126759/1/boletim-de-pesquisa-65.pd

    Actividad antiinflamatoria del extracto etanĂłlico de las hojas de Manihot esculenta Crantz (yuca) en un modelo experimental de inflamaciĂłn aguda: Anti-inflammatory activity of the ethnolic extract of the leaves of manihot esculenta Crantz (yuca) in an experimental model of acute inflammation

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    Introduction: Manihot esculenta Crantz (yucca) leaves have been used around the world and over time in order to decrease the anti-inflammatory response. Objective: To evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of the ethanolic extract of the Manihot esculenta Crantz leaf in rats. Methods: An experimental study was conducted. The study population included 60 albino rats sp. Rattus novergicus, distributed in 4 groups of 15 rats each. A homogeneous solution of ethanolic extract of Manihot esculenta Crantz leaves was used for intraperitoneal administration. Carrageenan was used as an inflammatory inducer that was administered intradermally; for the measurement of plantar edema, the Digital Water Plethysmometer (LE7500) was used. Tween 80 / water solution (1:10) was administered to the negative control group at a dose of 1mL./100g., To the betamethasone positive control group 4mg / Kg and to treatment groups 1 and 2 Manihot esculenta Crantz, 2 mg / kg and 4 mg / kg, respectively. The 1-tail ANOVA test and the Tukey post hoc test were used for comparisons between the groups. Results: In 37.67% of treatment group 2 a reduction in edema was observed 3 hours after administering Manihot esculenta Crantz (p <0.05). In both administration groups of Manihot esculenta Crantz there was a nonsignificant trend to reduce plantar edema with values close to significance. Conclusion: The Manihot esculenta Crantz ethanolic extract at a 4 mg / kg dose probably have anti-inflammatory activity in this animal model of acute inflamation.Introducción: Las hojas de Manihot esculenta Crantz (yuca) han sido usadas alrededor del mundo y a lo largo del tiempo con el fin de disminuir la respuesta antiinflamatoria. Objetivo: Evaluar la actividad antiinflamatoria del extracto etanólico de la hoja de Manihot esculenta crantz en ratas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio tipo experimental. La población de estudio fueron 60 ratas albinas sp. Rattus novergicus, distribuidas en 4 grupos de 15 ratas cada uno. Se usó una solución homogénea de extracto etanólico de hojas de Manihot esculenta crantz para su administración vía intraperitoneal. Se utilizó carragenina como inductor inflamatorio, que fue administrado por vía intradérmica; para la medición del edema plantar, se hizo uso del Digital Water Plethysmometer (LE7500). Se administró al grupo control negativo solución de tween 80/agua (1:10) a dosis de 1ml/10g., al grupo control positivo betametasona 4mg/Kg y a los grupos de tratamiento 1 y 2 Manihot esculenta crantz, 2 mg/kg y 4 mg/kg, respectivamente. Se utilizó la prueba de ANOVA de 1 cola y la prueba post-hoc de Tukey, para las comparaciones entre los grupos. Resultados: En el 37,67% del grupo de tratamiento 2 se observó una reducción del edema a las 3 horas de administrar Manihot esculenta crantz (p <0,05). En otras mediciones se encontró una tendencia no significativa en ambos grupos de administración de Manihot esculenta crantz a la reducción del edema plantar. Conclusión: El extracto etanólico de Manihot sculenta a partir de la dosis de 4 mg/kg parece tener actividad antiinflamatoria en la reducción del edema plantar en el modelo animal utilizado

    Effect of Manihot esculenta aqueous extract and therapeutic ultrasound in accelerating the wound healing process in vitro

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the wound healing process in in vitro by combining the Manihot esculenta aqueous extract and therapeutic ultrasound. Firstly, the optimization seeding densities of HSF cell 1184 in six-well plate, and then followed by the scratch assay experiment. The scratched that made was treated with the remedial treatments (Manihot esculenta aqueous extract only; ascorbic acid+ therapeutic ultrasound; Manihot esculenta aqueous extract+ ascorbic acid; Manihot esculenta aqueous extract+ therapeutic ultrasound and also the combination of these three materials). The rate of wound closure was observed and analysed at a time interval of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 24 h by using image J software. Then, the cells viability were analysed using the MTT assay. The result showed that Manihot esculenta aqueous extract coupled with specific dose therapeutic ultrasound represents a significantly high rate of wound closure at 96.10 % with the cell numbers at 5.44×105 cells/mL when compared to the other combination therapy. The finding of this study revealed that Manihot esculenta aqueous extract 200 ÎŒg/mL and the therapeutic ultrasound specific dose (3 MHz, 300 mWatt/cm2, 50% in 5 min) have the potential in accelerating wound healing process of cells in in vitro

    Notes on a new mealybug (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae) pest in Florida and the Caribbean : the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink

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    Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink, here called the papaya mealybug, was first detected in the United States in Hollywood, Florida in 1998. By the end of 1998 it was found in four localities in the state and has since spread to nine localities in five counties. This mealybug appears to have moved through the Caribbean area since its 1994 detection in the Dominican Republic. The pest is reported to cause serious damage to tropical fruit, especially papaya, and has been detected most frequently, in Florida, on hibiscus. It is now known from Antigua, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nevis, Puerto Rico, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts, St. Martin, and the US Virgin Islands. Hosts include: Acacia sp.(Luguminosae), Acalypha sp.(Euphorbiaceae), Ambrosia cumanensis (Compositae), Annona squamosa (Annonaceae), Carica papaya (Caricaceae), Guazuma ulmifolia (Sterculiaccea), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Euphorbiaceae), Hibiscus sp. (Euphorbiaceae), Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae), Manihot chloristica (Euphorbiaceae), Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae), Mimosa pigra (Lugiminosae), Parthenium hysterophorus (Compositae), Persea americana (Lauraceae), Plumeria sp. (Apocynaceae), Sida sp. (Malvaceae), Solanum melongena (Solanaceae). The species is believed to be native to Mexico andlor Central America

    Convergent adaptations: bitter manioc cultivation systems in fertile anthropogenic dark earths and floodplain soils in central Amazonia

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    Shifting cultivation in the humid tropics is incredibly diverse, yet research tends to focus on one type: long-fallow shifting cultivation. While it is a typical adaptation to the highly-weathered nutrient-poor soils of the Amazonian terra firme, fertile environments in the region offer opportunities for agricultural intensification. We hypothesized that Amazonian people have developed divergent bitter manioc cultivation systems as adaptations to the properties of different soils. We compared bitter manioc cultivation in two nutrient-rich and two nutrient-poor soils, along the middle Madeira River in Central Amazonia. We interviewed 249 farmers in 6 localities, sampled their manioc fields, and carried out genetic analysis of bitter manioc landraces. While cultivation in the two richer soils at different localities was characterized by fast-maturing, low-starch manioc landraces, with shorter cropping periods and shorter fallows, the predominant manioc landraces in these soils were generally not genetically similar. Rather, predominant landraces in each of these two fertile soils have emerged from separate selective trajectories which produced landraces that converged for fast-maturing low-starch traits adapted to intensified swidden systems in fertile soils. This contrasts with the more extensive cultivation systems found in the two poorer soils at different localities, characterized by the prevalence of slow-maturing high-starch landraces, longer cropping periods and longer fallows, typical of previous studies. Farmers plant different assemblages of bitter manioc landraces in different soils and the most popular landraces were shown to exhibit significantly different yields when planted in different soils. Farmers have selected different sets of landraces with different perceived agronomic characteristics, along with different fallow lengths, as adaptations to the specific properties of each agroecological micro-environment. These findings open up new avenues for research and debate concerning the origins, evolution, history and contemporary cultivation of bitter manioc in Amazonia and beyond

    Kajian Proses Isolasi α-Selulosa dari Limbah Batang Tanaman Manihot esculenta Crantz yang Efisien

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    Limbah batang tanaman Manihot esculenta Crantz merupakan salah satu limbah yang memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup tinggi. Namun saat ini limbah batang tanaman Manihot esculenta Crantz hanya menjadi limbah organik yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Pada penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan limbah batang tanaman Manihot esculenta Crantz untuk menghasilkan produk α-selulosa yang dapat dipergunakan untuk bahan baku kertas serta mengatasi masalah perusakan lingkungan khususnya hutan. Limbah batang tanaman Manihot esculenta Crantz sebagai bahan baku mengandung serat 65,38%, limbah kulit 29,01%, limbah kambium 5,61% dan kadar α-selulosa 56,82% Tahapan penelitian untuk menghasilkan α-selulosa diantaranya tahap prehidrolisis, tahap delignifikasi, tahap bleching, dan analisis α-selulosa dengan menggunakan spectrofotometrie UV-VIS SIMITZU 6200 di Balai Penelitian dan Konsultasi Industri. Pada tahap delignifikasi ini digunakan NaOH, Na2SO3, Na2SO4 dengan konsentrasi bervariasi dari 5, 10, 15, 20, 25% berat sebagai pendegradasi lignin yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahap bleaching menggunakan H2O2 2% dan NaOCl 5% untuk mendapat α-selulosa yang murni. Hasil penelitian terbaik dengan kadar α-selulosa 90,41% pada proses delignifikasi Na2SO3 dengan 20% dengan menggunakan bleaching H2O2 2%

    Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae), nova tujerodna vrsta v Italiji

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    In the present work the presence of Manihot esculenta Crantz is reported for the first time for Italy and Europe, a neophyte native to South America: ecology and invasive status are presented.V članku poročamo o prvem pojavljanju vrste Manihot esculenta Crantz, neofita iz JuĆŸne Amerike, v Italiji in Evropi in predstavljamo njegovo ekologijo in invazivni status
